bow loot. 

May 4, 2017

I never tire of hair bows. I’m constantly looking for a new bow or a replacement bow, and below is my current bow-type obsession (minus the pink and baby blue bows at the bottom- those were gifts). I paid a little bit of money for this loot, but I dig the way these bows lay on my hair/head, and they are the perfect size. I needed to diversify my bow colour pallet and these do not disappoint. *^_^*. 

Thee Eyes Have It!

October 28, 2014


My name is Francing and I’m a vintage sunglass-a-holic. The gig is up. I obsessively collect vintage sunglasses. I didn’t realize that I had this overwhelming urge until just this year. I started to notice that I would seek out sunglasses on vintage buying sites over anything. Even hair bows! Yowza! Then I’d find myself daydreaming about outfits with said sunglasses. Breaking the bank. Finding opportunities to center a fit around the sunglass accessory.

Just now I had the urge to buy a relatively expensive set of vintage glasses, but decided to take to the tell all first. I probably will buy these glasses after this post has published, and within seconds, I will have moved on looking for the next vintage high. Such is the life of a vintage collector nerd face.

my new/old obssession. x

October 18, 2014


I’ve been collecting vintage hair accessories for at least a decade, and my obsession hasn’t quelled one bit.  I recently bought a bevy of vintage barrettes that had never been used.  Even though I didn’t desire *all* of these barrettes, there are some major gems in this lot.  The blue and white whale barrette also comes in orange and gold.  Wow.  Very neat.  My only wish is that there were more kelly green barrettes to my liking, but I take what I can get. There are kelly green barrettes, but I’m looking for the perfect kelly green bow barrette, and it’s eluded me some.  In this lot, there is a green bow barrette, but the colouring of the barrette is more forest green rather than kelly green.

At any rate, great lot for sure.  I, of course, am still on the hunt for any and every barrette: either bow or otherwise to add to my bustling collection.  Hair accessories are the best accessories, (and I believe the most commonly overlooked), when putting together a proper fit.


hair i am!

February 20, 2014


picture of me: october 31 2011

hello world!  aside from being obsessed with my spring wardrobe when it’s clearly winter time on my calendar, i am equally obsessed with my hair.  about 14 months ago, i cut my hair on a whim.  my outfits looked amazing with my short, bobbed hair…*granted*, but i missed being able to put my hair back in a bun, wearing hair accessories, the whole 9.  having short hair the majority of my life, i always believed it was the way i’d end up having my hair…..until about june 2013-> that’s when i officially stopped cutting my hair.  so far it’s been growing nicely, but i’m running out of patience.  i want long hair now!  patience is a virtue!  oof.  in the meantime, as time passes as it should, i am obsessing over my wardrobe that will accompany my long hair.  if you can believe it, yes, it does pass the time – more yellow (because yellow goes well with black hair), more green (because green glistens against black hair)…more everything, basically- except reds, purples, and browns- if i wore brown, no one would ever see my hair length and all of my work would be for naught.

living in a world where my hair has finally grazed my shoulders is fine, but i want more!  i want to look like cathy macgowan NOW!  in the meantime, i will obsess over pics (like above) with me and my long hair.  hopefully next time i post about my hair obsession, i’ll actually have long hair.

peace out. x

happy 2014!

January 6, 2014


Happy new year, everyone! I finally am updating my blog with a post on ties! I absolutely love ties! I used to love the traditional 60s skinny tie that every 60s garage/Mersey beat band donned. Now! I love faux bow ties and this tie in the pic! My best pal, Yvette says it’s super “Teddy boy” and at first I didn’t dig that reference, but now I totally do! Yaaaay!
Live free! Tie on!



oof.  where to start.  it’s heartbreaking to see current trends rip off the things that are important.  mary quant’s fashion footprint is being bastardized all over today’s malls.  even indie-hipster jerk faces are bastardizing her highness.  the 1960s are all over the place now, and even though they are providing some major eye candy, they are also giving me some major eye heartaches!  >.<

sometimes i think i take things waaay too personally, but when it comes to what i love: mid 60s mod fashion, early mod girl purist natures, northern & rare soul- that’s when i take things personally.  it’s hard to pull off the 1964 mod girl look without looking preppie, but if done right, it garnishes proper respect.  i really hope that 1964/65 tailoring holds true with someone somewhere.  i know with my band of girls, The Modern Juniors, it has held true.

here’s hoping for more proper cuteness!  ((^_^))

these are my yellow mary janes.  i absolutely LOVE them.  surprisingly, i only have 2 pairs of yellow shoes, and only 1 pair of yellow mary janes, (pictured).  i absolutely love these shoes.  i am currently on the hunt to find a replacement pair, as i rarely fix/repair my vintage shoes- i probably should look into that though…hm.  wish me luck.


if the spring fits…

March 9, 2012


since it looks like spring has sprung…i have been thinking a lot about what i am planning to wear this spring season…funny, because i think that i’m already wearing it.  accessories are always what i go shopping for when spring or any different kind of weather comes a callin’.  for example, i don’t think one should wear stockings or pearls during the summer time.  stockings, for obvious reason: it weighs down the outfit.  pearls just seem like a winter jewel to me…call me crazy, but i feel it’s true.  the same as in: no one should wear flip flops outside of their house during the winter months…buuuut i digress…


the one thing i always equip myself is lots of colour- during any and every season.  my usual loves are in tact: orange, yellows, blues….one colour that has seemed to have eluded me these past couple of years is kelly green.  it’s like kelly green has become the new navy or something- hard to find, but dearly coveted.  i have most definitely rekindled my love affair with kelly green and i’m very excited about this reunion.  this must be a reoccurring love affair, as a i noticed, just recently, how many kelly green pairs of shoes i have acquired over the years.  time to re stock!

cute girls. bows. stripes.

February 21, 2012

these are some of my favourite things!  hee hee hee.  with the 60’s revival in full force in the fashion mill…i’m called to remember what i actually LOVE about the 1960s.  one thing i do love, above all, are the subtleties.  not the outlandish prints with the high heel shoes that the new found fashion industry has bastardized my ever so lovely sixties into.  or the accessories that always fall short because of some crappy detail…like too much bling…or too much heel…and not enough french cuffs or simplicity.

even though i love the eye candy that the revival brings, i’m moreover glad and grateful for the mod/60s revival in common folk fashion because it forces me to realize and question exactly why i am a dedicated follower of early/mod 60s fashion.  and as i walk passed the overpriced kate spade whatevers and marc jacob whoo haas…i find solace in knowing that what i have acquired over years of thrifting has something much more valuable: my personal style.  sorry…my EDITED personal style.  ^_~


the one fantastic thing about the winter months are the coats!  the cute jackets!  the layering!  ^_^  it’s all so fun to think about and accessorize!  my double breasted jacket collection is well in hand, but my toggle coat collection usually takes a back seat to my double breasted jacket/coats.  this winter i have made it *more* of a priority as only the cute girls rock the toggles.  there’s something so very 1962 ski lodge about a good winter coat!  it’s instant cuteness!  and easy to put on and take off, unlike my double breasted coat collection!  hahahaha!  ^___^

the only conundrum i have going forward is finding the right shoes to fit with my toggle coats.  they have to be *juuust* right.  maybe my next fashion insert will be about shoes…and the outfits that love them…or something…anyhoo i digress.  my favourite of all toggle coats is thee famed Gloverall.   *swoon*  it’s the high priestess of all toggle coats.  all the cute girls wear them, but that cuteness doesn’t come at a cheap price!  j crew have some really great toggle coat selections, i’m just not jazzed about their colour choices.

don’t forget to toggle with a hood.  oh yes.  there is none higher.

happy toggling!  ((^_^))